Where or how can you learn Cantonese in Singapore?
I must thank all ChineseBay visitors from Singapore who encourage us to open a special section here at ChineseBay.com for more people in Singapore to learn Cantonese online.
ChineseBay is now based in Silicon Valley, Northern California, USA, but we got lots of visitors all over the world and a look at our alexa ranking ( refer to http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/chinesebay.com ) Today, our ranking is Singapore is 77,731 while US ranking is 118,445 among millions of web sites globally. Encouraging numbers but we still need to work harder to offer you all, whether in Singapore or not, better Cantonese learning materials for you to master Cantonese with ease and fun.
Where To Learn Cantonese in Singapore?
Answer: Two places you can learn or pick up some basic or practical Cantonese:
1) The local Meetup http://cantonese.meetup.com/90/ The Singapore Cantonese Language Meetup Group organized by the nice and lovely girl Hasumi.
They now have 269 Cantonese Speakers and growing. Come and meet other local Cantonese Speakers to practice the language. They will have “34th Cantonese Meetup Happy Lunar New Year in 2 weeks”.
2) Want to learn some basic Cantonese first before you join them? You can learn online at these web sites:
A) ChineseBay.com : Basic Cantonese (more free lessons are coming!) | Cantonese Phrasebook With Sound
B) CantonesePod.com: Cantonese Podcasts and MP3 Download with short lessons.
C) MyCantonese.net : three free Cantonese lessons with sound in Flash.
D) www.cantonese.sheik.co.uk: Written chinese character help sheets with cantonese pronunciation