15 Free Mandarin Lessons From Prof. Xie

Prof. Tianwei Xie
Pro. Tianwei Xie teaching Chinese

Dr. Tianwei Xie is a professor of Chinese Califronia State University Long Beach. You can find free learning materials from his web site. Here I would like to share with you some free Mandarin lessons from him: 15 lessons in all. For complete list, click

  1. Unit One: Let’s Get to Know Each Other
  2. Unit Two: My Family
  3. Unit 3: Where Do You Work?
  4. Unit 4: This Is My Address
  5. Unit 5: Where are you from?
  6. Unit 6: I Am Learning Chinese
  7. Unit 7: Is Chinese Difficult?
  8. Unit 8: I Understand Chinese
  9. Unit 9: Where Do You Study (Work)?
  10. Unit 10: What Time Is It Now?
  11. Unit 11: What Day and What Date Is It Today?
  12. Unit 12: What’s the Weather Like Here?
  13. Unit 13: Do You Like to Eat Chinese Food?
  14. Unit 14: What Game Do You Like?
  15. Unit 15: Are You Going to China?

You can download the mp3 for the lessons or play online too: [display_podcast]
(First 5 lessons. For other mp3 of other lessons, you can go to his site at:

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