What Does It Mean by 囧 ?
How do you pronounce this character? It is very popular on the Web. Honestly, I didn’t learn it at school. It doesn’t mean I was not good enough. I was one of the top students then. However, it means I do need to catch up with the new trendy things as a ‘linguist’ 🙂 You…
Learn Jyutping Lesson Two: 56 finals
In this lesson, we are going to learn the first 24 of the 56 finals in Jyutping
Learn Jyutping Lesson 1: 19 Initials
There are 19 initials in Cantonese Jyutping, the romanization system by LSHK.
100 Latest Search in ChineseBay Jyutping Dictionary(1)
Although our Jyutping Dictionary is now only V1.2beta, it is becoming more and more popular. We really hope that you can send us feed back or report any issues you found so we can try to improve it. Here are the latest 100 search 1.廣東話 2.甜 3.係嘞 4.事 5.什 6.跟紧艮近 7.糖 8.踢 9.个半浴室没有后院但只是少许的前院脚排屋 10.失魂魚 11.平方英尺廳具有四個臥室和三個半浴、…
Google Translate:我哋將會長命百歲
Poor Translation by Google: I Die will be longevity. ChineseBay Translation: 我哋將會長命百歲. = We will have a life span of over 100 years. (We will live as long as 100 years.) We will have longevity. Let’s ask Google Translate to add Cantonese soon.
Get Jyutping for Chinese Characters: 生日快樂
Chinesebay.com got the exciting news! Our Online Jyutping dictionary has been officially published. Just add the Chinese characters after http://Chinesebay.com/py/ and pretty enter, you will get both Jyutping and Mandarin Pinyin for the characters. You may play the Cantonese human voice too by clicking “Say it in Cantonese” button or “Say it in Mandarin” button.…
I in Chinese Writing
How to write I in Chinese? 我 Both simplified and traditional Chinese forms are the same. The following shows you “I in Chinese Writing” in different styles: The following video shows you how to say and write “I love you” in Chinese: Yes, the first character is I in Chinese writing.
ChineseBay.com Facebook Fan Page Got A Name!
Dear ChineseBay fans! Thank you all for your support and our ChineseBay Facebook page got a name! http://www.facebook.com/ChineseBayCom Are you interested in learn Cantonese pronunciation with Jyutping, a great romanization system developed by the LSHK ( Language Society of Hong Kong) in 1993? Jyutping 粵拼, is formally known as the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong…